2013年5月23日 星期四

<創作> 大學畢業設計 高架得來速 Urban Hypermarket

Designer : Lo cheng wei




Today, it shows an obvious drop up and down the bridges. Takeing Jian Guo Highway
as an example, the purchasing behavior under the Highway bridge grows lively and
vividly, yet the space on the Highway bridge could only provide transportation.
People can not enjoy the purchasing even pass through the flower market space area.
This design confers and discusses whether to provide another space section for the
consumers rather than the under-bridge traditional market. Moving up the purchase
behavior onto the Highway bridges so that people passing through in the vehicles
could also enjoy the purchasing behavior. make market gives an extra layout for more

Traditional purchase process use to park the car and walk into market ,but the number of parking space and the vehicle are not balance, the difference number is approximate twenty thousand .The average time of find parking space in Taipei city is 17 minute. that is wasting timewhen consumer looking for parking space during market process.

panel 1 it analysis  relationship between highway and flower market which is under expressway.
panel 2 it analysis the car parking space problem in Taipei downtown. We propose a solution that maybe drivers can buy flowers without stopping car. Drivers no longer worry about hardly find a parking space in downtown.

panel 3 the architecture contains greenhouse, drive-through and existing flower market which is under express way.

panel 4 greenhouse zone 
panel 5 how to buy flower by using driver-through .

panel 6 physical model 
panel 7 urban hypermarket

2013年5月21日 星期二

<創作> 論文主題 : 從感測到快速客製化 From Measuring to Rapid Customization: A Prototyping Chair


英文版 :


主題 : 從感測到快速客製化





第五章之2節 是選取其中一個紋路做為整個設計流程的模型呈現,從設計師設計資訊模型 -> 讓使用者自行決定樣式 -> 經過程式計算施工構件 -> 消費者自行組裝 or工廠代工,完成整體設計流程,即參予者即是設計師。




Since the emerging of computer-aided design, designers can trace out more smooth and graceful outline than ever. To achieving precise fabrication, they can also adjust the outline in the 3D software repeatedly. After confirming the works, a prototype model is manufactured to do the ergonomics adjusting by designers. Then, the modification will get the ball rolling in 3D software back and forth. Compromising designers’ concept and modified prototype, the computational data could flow of considerable standardized productions subsequently.

A sensor embedded chair was taken as a prototype, and those sensors will record the data and transmit to the computer when the subjects change their sitting posture, for instances, back side angles, chair height, and the outline shapes with preferences. In the mean time, the virtual model can be changed after receiving those data. Later on, the preview of appearance with transforming will follow by designers choose one of diverse fabricate model, like tessellating, folding, forming or contouring in 3D software. Inputting the manufacturing information to the synchronized fabricating model, designers could restrict the materials, moldboard size and procedures. As a result, outputting these data to the manufacturer, they could construct a modified chair in customization.

精選圖片 :
參數化建模系統(Schaub, 2011)

Tessellating type

Tessellating type
Tessellating type